Is Multimedia the Future of Education?

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Over the past week, we had opportunity to learn about video and audio editing as well as Screencastify and H5P.  Multimedia means that there is more than one element used to convey information.  The learning over this past week gave us some different tools that can be utilized within a classroom setting to exercise multimedia usage and engage student learners.  To start out, we were given an activity in which we were going to choose between a video or audio clip that we were going to cut, breakdown and apply different effects or transitions.  This was a way for us as students to take an activity and apply the knowledge we were learning in steps to what we were doing.  By doing this activity, we were visually reading the tasks at hand but also working hands on to ensure our activity of choice was going correctly.  Activities like this are multimodal because they are applying different elements for us to truly learn what it is we are doing.  If we were simply reading it, or only exploring what iMovie or Garage Band could do, we may not be taking away nearly as much in terms of learning.

check illustration on wooden board


After having done this assignment, we also explored Screencastify and H5P.  The two of these programs work coherently to allow for students or educators to create step by step processes that are easy to follow along.  Screencastify can be used to walk students through exactly what it is they need to be doing, whether it be an exercise at school or remotely learning from home.  This program allows for an easy way to follow along and break things down.  In addition to this, H5P can be used to add fluency to the screen recording.  It can add titles, subtitles, additionally information as well as correct and incorrect answer options.  What this does for students is it ensures engagement while going throughout the exercise or notes by having these variety of different options to apply.  As I look forward to a career in education, it is apparent to me that multimedia is an important element to incorporate into my classroom. I believe that all of these tools I have learned will be a great asset to my growing and expanding skill set.

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