Education of the Future

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During the past week, we were fortunate enough to have Jeff Hopkins from the Pacific School of Innovation and Inquiry come in and take the time to speak with us about the school he is at as well as answering some questions for us as well.  After reviewing the sample videos that were provided on our course outline, it was apparent to me from the virtual tour that was provided on YouTube of PSII that the care for their students well-being and growth comes first and foremost.  What I mean by this, is for example, on the tour they showed a room where students are able to go and have a mindful moment.  This allows the students who may be having a tough day, processing a lot of information, or maybe just need to take a minute to decompress. In terms of students growth, their inquiry project allows for them to pursue an avenue in what they are interested in, but also something they are passionate about.  In doing so, the students are engaged in their learning whereas with traditional schooling, this may not be the case as you learn from the curriculum designed for you, not by you.


human hand holding plasma ball

As I reflect on these conversations that were had with Jeff Hopkins, I have started to think schools of innovation and inquiry may in fact be the future.  What I mean by this, is they are multimodal, flexible, collaborative spaces where students can harness their full potential in their education by pursuing what interests them.  The teachers that work for these schools are their to guide and direct students to find their full potential in what it is they are pursuing.  These teachers also ensure that all subjects that are required to be covered are in fact completed.  After having these conversations, I wish opportunities such as this existed when I was in high school because I feel as though it would have brought out my full potential in my education.

A video I was able to find in some of my further that relates to this topic is below:

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